Monday, April 9, 2012

About Easter

For Easter I went to California so my gramma can see my uncle Carlos and my ant Martha. They are so cool because that was my first time see my uncle Carlos and my ant martha. When I first saw my uncle I did not know him I did not even know who was it. Then my cousin told me that it was him so I went to hug him and he tough I was a stranger. When he went inside he told my mom who I was she said my sob then he started to laugh then he told me sorry. Then he gave me 29 dollars for not knowing who I was then on Saturday he took me and all my cousin hiking. Then when we finished we went to eat some hamburgers and I payed for it witch was 20$. When we went home my mom was not there so we went to make some food then my mom came with some hamburgers and I ate them. Then we went to sleep and on sunday we went to the park and got everything ready then we all ate then talked then they hid the eggs. There was 2 golden egg and there was 20 bucks in each and u found both of then and know I have 40$.

Wednesday, April 4, 2012


     There once was a lady in black she lived in a house that nobody went in they were all to scared to go in there so she started to liveing there because she thougth that nobody will go in there. But one day a lady told a guy that if you see her you will have bad luck she will try to kill you so a guy went to her house then the lady in black was looking out the window then the guy saw her looking at him. Then he went inside and the lady was trying to scare him out the house because she did not want people to go in there . SO the guy did not want to leave so then the lady steped it up and made him almost  pead his pants then he left and nobody wanted to talk to him after he said that he saw her the end

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

How to ride the buss

First you wait for the buss that you ride home. Then you get on the buss but you have to have your id or else you can not get in. If you have a place that the buss driver tells you to sit in you have to sit there. Then you have to sit quietly into you get off then you have to pay attention. Then if its time for your buss stop you get off then you walk home.

Monday, March 26, 2012

Text Features

The different text structures are that they are in order

Functional Text 5

1. The text is organized by the easiest rules to hardest rules.

2. The porpoise of the text is for the kids to learn to follow the rules.

3. The graphics should have people that are braking the fight

4. The extra information is that they should put the steps of how to do it.

5. The information that is missing is the people that ate doing it.

6. The question is that how do they do it?

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Functional text 1

1. It tells you all the stuff we have for lunch all in order.

2. The porpoise of the text is to tell you what there is going to be for lunch and if you do not like you just bring your own food.

3. The graphics is to make the stuff look food and people would want to eat it.

4. The extra information is that they should put all the food on a paper of how it looks.

5. The information that is missing is that they should put all the fruit that we are having.

6. that why do they not put the fruit that we have on the fruit stand.

Functional Text 3

1. They are In a order because it tells you all the steps to follow the playground rules.

2. The purpose of the text is that people like the principal wants kids to be safe on the playground so they came up with some sereous rules to follow.

3. The graphics are that if they see people following rules all the other kids will start to follow them.

4. He extra information is that they should put some camras and some guards.

5. It is that If there is a person that is fighting there are no people there they will get away with it and if there is they will not get away with it.

6. F

The Diary Of The Wimpy Kid

There once was a kid that was a wimpy kid he only had a fat friend and the wimpy kid had a diary that he put all the stuff that happened to him at school or at home .

Then when his brother came back from school he always wanted to pick on hi own brother and one time when his parents left for a trip derek threw a party and he did not let his brother go in the house.

Then they went threw the tonle to try to get in the party but every time they got in the party derek always saw him and threw him back out.

Then he said that he was hungry so his fat friend said lets go get some nochoes from the party they tried like ten times but Derek always saw them
and kicked them out then they finally got in and they started to party.

Then he when he came in all the people wanted to leave but when he did a stunt and then he landed in the cheese an everybody liked it and they started to do what the kid did and they all left home


Friday, March 9, 2012

        there once was a leporcon that had his legs for his hands. So then he said i want to get a operation so then he said okay i will then he did but he mestup and he left him the same then the lepocon died. But then he turned into a ghost but then he came to get his legs right . Then he said that he will pay for killing me then the leporcon killed the guy and he turned into a ghost then they turned best friends. then he they started to help the leporcon kill people to be continued...........

                         THE UGLIEST LEPORCON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                   THE END!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 

     there once was  kid that had a 2 dollar bill but he had no good luck so he took a picture and said that it was not good luck. but his friend said that it was good luck for him so he said that his friend can have it so he said thanks. but the next day the kid was having the best ever but the kid that gave it to him got beat up so bad that he had to go to the emergency room. so the kid that got beat up was not when he had the 2 dollar bill so he said ay can you give me that 2 dollar bill back he said no i had the best day ever with this. so he said if you do not give that you will have the worst day of your life i will tell the hole school your secrets so he said ok ok ok i will give it back just don't tellmy secrets please. then he said i won't if you give it back so he gave it back and he had the best day ever.

                              THE 2 DOLLAR BILL!!!!!!!!!!

                    THE END!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                            THANKS FOR READING

How to make salt dough


2 cups of all-purpose flour

1 cup of salt

1 cup of warm water

Liquid food coloring or Kool-aid


Large bowl

1 large plastic bag


Cookie sheet



1. In a large bowl, mix the salt and flour together.

2. Add a few drops of food colored to a cup of warm water.

3.Gradually add 1/2 cup of colored water to a salt and flour mixture. the dough on the cookie sheet and knead it.

5. Add more colored water as needed.

6. Once the dough is made, divide it into smaller portions.

7. Be careful not to make the dough too moist.

8. Refrigerate the salt dough in the plastic bag.

9. Enjoy playing with the salt dough.

10. Mold the dough into a variety or Shapes.

11. Set the molded shape aside and let them dry.

Thursday, March 8, 2012


       there once was a girl in black but if a person saw here they will have karma she will do bad stuff to you. Then when you go in the house she will appear behind you then you will not see her then she will appear on a chair facing back and the chair will be moving. then you will see her run away so fast  then she will make you stay during the night then she will kill you. then she will put you in front of your house dead then she will go back and you will never see her again

                                     TO BE CONTINUED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

           THE WOMEN IN BLACK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                       THE END!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Friday, March 2, 2012


Did you know that if you do not live in Mexico you are not a real Mexican? some people are not from there but if they want to be from Mexico you can still be dreaming that you want to be from there but the people that are from there stop showing off.

First I love mexico because my mom let's me stay out for as long as i want. If i don't want to go out side and go with my friends my mom says okay. If i don't want to go with my mom to the store i tell her to go with my dad and my dad goes with her and i stay sleeping.

Next when i want to go to the store me and my mom go to the down town store and then we buy all the stuff that we need.

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Irregular verbs

Chinese food and drink

Main Grains

That they have been growing them in the warm. That since the old days ancient china still loves how they were made so they still make then the same way.

Fruits and vegetable

That the lychee are still popular today but not just that fruit also the cabbage those are the vegetables that gave rice and flavor.

Tea Time

That for thousands of year the tea leaves were used as a medicine but a lady put it in hot water and it made it a tea and know they been drinking it.

Quick Stick

That the china people invented the chopsticks in ancient china and know they still use it. People use chopsticks for food that is cooked fast.


There meet in ancient china was so expensive and many people can not afford to buy the meat. so they did not want to waist there money so they started to eat tofu and soybeans

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

The 3 Rapers

Once upon a time there was 3 rapers they were the best rapers in the whole wide world once they had a opportunity to be rapers. So they went to tell there mom if they can take the chance all there moms said yes so they went to the record label guy. then the guy said perfect i will get you started in a moment okay they said yes sir  then they waited then they played there first rap song ever. when they said that they were a hit they almost died so the manager said you are going to have so much fun with me . then 2 weeks later they said that you guys have to get your music faster so they said we can not get them faster we need time . then the guy said that you guys are good kids so on the way home the 3 rapers died by a shooting that started and they all got shot.

                                         THE 3 BEST RAPERS!!!!!!  

Wednesday, February 8, 2012


Preposition is a word that shows the relationship of a noun or a pronoun to another word is a preposition.

Friday, February 3, 2012

Santa Bird VS Red Mad Angry Bird

There once was 2 angry birds there were so much mad at each other. Then Santa angry bird was not happy at him so the red angry bird got mad. Then the red angry bird went home to cry. So Santa went home and he left his bag of toys for the red angry bird. So the angry bird saw it ant them he got it then he stopes crying so he said thanks Santa Santa said yyyyyyyyoooooooouuuuuuuuuuuu welcome. So he said I can not wait into he comes back again he is going to give me a lot of presents.

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Past Progressive

An action that already happened and it keeps on going it stops at the time of speaking

Wednesday, January 11, 2012


the other one that i liked was the one that was at the entrence it was  so cool the lights looked so cool to me and the shapuron and to the hole group that  was the best one there and everyone thought that was the coolest one yet.

I liked the light at the entrence that was so cool because when we took a picture it looked  so cool. Then my other  favrite was the firefly room it was so cool that you could not see were you where going you can not even see the exit

Thursday, January 5, 2012

The Angry Bird

      there once was a angry bird that tried to kill a green guy but the helment that proteces his head and he was done tring so he sent the bomb. then he finaly broke his helment and then the red bird killed him and then his friend came and then his friend did not have anything so the bomb killed him and then they went to the next level. all the green guys in the world came and they sent all the bombs they can so they killed almost killed everybody and then the bird killed the rest and then they all died and there was no more laughfing only for me.